Camerata Tokyo, Inc. is a company dealing with
both Concert Management and Record Production.
Since Hiroshi Isaka founded Camerata Tokyo in 1978, the company has been involved in intimate collaboration with some of the world’s greatest musicians. Not only has the founder himself produced the company’s entire over 1000 recordings with the help of Camerata’s state-of-the-art engineering talent and facilities, the company extends its commitment by organizing concerts and managing every aspect of artist’s repertoire to bring great music to discerning audiences.
The Record Section has been releasing several titles of CD regularly every month. The contents are diverse: chamber music, orchestral music, opera and operetta, and genres from baroque to modern. With recording bases in Vienna and Japan, Camerata is actively engaged in recording. The pillar of our activities is introducing Vienna chamber music, lied and other Vienna recordings, modern Japanese works, and accomplished Japanese musicians. Additionally, we have brought numerous forgotten stellar pieces back into the spotlight, many of which are world-first recordings. The musicians that have recordings on our label are among the top artists in the world, including former Vienna Philharmonic concertmaster Werner Hink, current concertmaster Volkhard Steude, cellist Tamas Varga, flutists Wolfgang Schulz and Dieter Flury, and clarinetist Peter Schmidl. Also on the label are noted pianists Bruno Canino, Edith Picht-Axenfeld, Roland Batik, Stefan Vladar, Doris Adam, Cornellia Herrmann, Borisi Bekhterev, Keiko Toyama and Aki Takahashi; organists Peter Planyavsky and Claudio Brizi; violinists Karin Adam and Saschko Gawriloff; cellists Maurice Gendron and Walter Nothas; flutists Severino Gazzelloni, Aurele Nicolet, Paul Meisen and William Bennett; oboists Heinz Holliger and Thomas Indermuhle; clarinetist Karl Leister; fagottist Milan Turkovic; recorderist Hans Maria Kneihs; hornist Stefan Dohr; and singers Ernst Haefliger, Victoria de Los Angeles, Melanie Holliday, Ryszard Karczykowski and Heinz Holecek. Also featured on the recordings are ensembles such as I Solisti di Perugia, Ensemble "11," Ensemble Wien-Berlin, Das Wiener Philharmonia Quintett, the Vienna String Quartet, the Panocha Quartet, Wiener Biedermeier Solisten, Wiener Schrammel Ensemble and Beethoven Trio, Wien. Camerata records have won high acclaims since the founding of our label at home and abroad. Overseas, Roland Batik's "Mozart: Complete Piano Sonata Collection" received the recording prize "Wiener Flotenuhr" in 1991. In 1996, Hiroshi Isaka received the Bruckner Gold Medal from the Austrian Bruckner Association for his work on the Bruckner Orchester Linz's production of Anton Bruckner Complete Symphonies (conducted by Kurt Eichhorn et al.).
If you want to order our CD, please contact to info@camerata.co.jp
The Concert Management Section has been organizing many concerts of the top artist among the world such as Wiener Opernball Orchestra, The Vienna Quartete and Vienna Philharmonic member's chamber ensembles. In recent year, including above artists, the company has invited Ensenble Wien, including the first female concert master of Vienna Philharmonic, Albena Danailova, Czech’s well known Panocha Quartete, cellist Tamas Varga.
Contact Information
Camerata Tokyo, Inc.
Wako Bldg. 2F, 14-3Motoyoyogi, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 151-0062 Japan