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エストニア国立交響楽団 Estonian National Symphony Orchestra |
これまでにヴァージン・クラシックスで録音されたシベリウスのカンタータのCDでグラミー賞を獲得した(2003)。2005年にはエストニア国立響の最新CD『ペール・ギュント』(ヴァージン・クラシックス)が、ニューヨーク・タイムズで年度のサプライズ・ハイライトに選ばれた。最近では、新CDとしてパーヴォ・ヤルヴィ指揮によるグリーグの『ノルウェー舞曲』(ヴァージン・クラシックス)がリリースされた。エストニア国立響は定期的にエストニア・ラジオのための音楽を録音しており、またBIS、Antes Edition、Ondine、フィンランディア、Consonant Worksおよびメロディアなどの会社とも協力している。
全世界で広範に演奏旅行を行っており(ルーマニア、ブルガリア、クウェート、ドイツ、カナダ、スウェーデン、フィンランド、ポーランド、イタリア、スペイン)、国内および海外の多数の音楽祭(オイローパムジカーレ Europamusicale〔ミュンヘン〕、音楽の夏 Musiksommer〔クシュタート〕、バルト海音楽祭に参加している。2006年2月15日にはトリノ大聖堂で、オラリ・エルツ指揮によるエストニア・フィルハーモニック室内合唱団との演奏会で大きな成功を収めた。この演奏会はアルヴォ・ペルトの音楽に捧げられたもので、トリノ五輪の文化プログラムの一部であった。 |
The Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO) has its origins as a small radio orchestra in 1926. It has become Estonia’s representative orchestra over the years and has powerfully increased its international scope especially over recent years. High quality of ERSO’s recordings that has also attracted attention during recent years has been bespotted by several recognized music magazines and the recordings have been won several awards such as Grammy Award for the recordings of Sibelius’ cantatas (Ellerhein Girls’ Choir, Estonian National Male Choir, ERSO, conductor Paavo Järvi, Virgin Classics). In 2005 The New York Times named ERSO’s CD Peer Gynt(Virgin Classics) as surprise highlight of the year and in March 2006 it also won BBC Music Magazine’s award for best orchestral album. Released in August 2007, the CD Magma of Erkki-Sven Tüür`s music, conducted by Paavo Järvi, (Virgin Classics) was chosen as the album of the month in orchestral category by BBC Music Magazine, and in the October issue of GramophoneMagma as well as ERSO’s CD of Ester Mägi’s music (Toccata Classics) appeared among the ten most outstanding new albums. In addition to close cooperation between ERSO and Virgin Classics the orchestra has also recorded music for Alba Records, BIS, Antes Edition, Ondine, Finlandia Records, Consonant Works, Melodya and others. The orchestra is regularly also recording music for the Estonian Radio.
The concert venues outside Estonia have become more and more dignified. There was a tour in Italy in 2003 with 17 concerts. In 2006 ERSO performed very successfully with Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conducted by Olari Elts, at the concert in the Turin Cathedral. The Concert was dedicated to the music of Arvo Pärt and was a part of the culture programme of the Turin Olympic Games. The orchestra has toured widely throughout the world (Romania, Bulgaria, Kuwait, Germany, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Switzerland, Spain, Russia and elsewhere). In March 2009 the orchestra had a debut tour to United States of America with 18 concerts. ERSO has taken part in numerous music festivals at home and abroad (Il Settembre dell’ Accademia 2008 in Verona, Baltic Sea Festival in 2005 and 2006 in Stockholm, Yehudi Menuhin Festival Gstaad Musiksommer in Switzerland, Europamusicale in Munich etc.).
The Principal Conductors of ERSO have been Olav Roots, Roman Matsov, Neeme Järvi, Peeter Lilje, Leo Krämer, Arvo Volmer and Nikolai Alexeev. From the season 2010/2011 maestro Neeme Järvi is the Principal Conductor and Artistic Director of ERSO. From the season 2002/2003 Paavo Järvi has been active as the Artistic Adviser of the orchestra and from the season of 2007/2008 Olari Elts has been appointed as the Principal Guest Conductor of ERSO.
The repertoire of ERSO includes music from the Baroque period to premiere performances of modern works. ERSO has been the first performer of the symphonic pieces of almost all Estonian composers including Arvo Pärt, Erkki-Sven Tüür, Eduard Tubin, Lepo Sumera, Eino Tamberg, Jaan Rääts, Tõnu Kõrvits, Helena Tulve and Toivo Tulev.
At present, the orchestra comprises ca 100 musicians and averages 60-65 concerts per season, with three to four new programmes a month. In addition to Estonian musicians, the orchestra performs with many renowned conductors and soloists from around the world. |
公式ホームページ(エストニア語/英語版) |
●CMCD-28158 ロマン派のオーボエ協奏曲集/インデアミューレ、トゥルコヴィッチ、エストニア国立交響楽団 Romantic Oboe Concertos / Indermühle, Turković, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra
●CMCD-20066〜7 ルブラン:オーボエ協奏曲集/インデアミューレ、ヴァヴィロフ、エストニア国立交響楽団 Lebrun: Oboe Concertos / Indermühle, Vavilov, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra
●CMCD-28208 知られざる名曲集~ロマン派オーボエ協奏曲/インデアミューレ、トゥルコヴィッチ、エストニア国立交響楽団 Romantic Pearls / Indermühle, Turković, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra
●CMCD-28308 古典派オーボエ協奏曲集/インデアミューレ、トゥルコヴィッチ、エストニア国立交響楽団 Classical Oboe Concertos / Indermühle, Turković & Estonian National Symphony Orchestra