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 佐藤祐介 Yusuke Satoh
Yusuke Satoh

■ プロフィール
 多種多様な音楽を境界線なく扱う新しい感性で好評を博したリサイタル・シリーズ“新ピアニスト宣言”に続き、毎回一つのテーマに焦点を絞り深く掘り下げる新シリーズ“PIANO EPOCH”を開催。独自の視点を持った若手ピアニストの一人として、幅広いフィールドで演奏活動を行った。

■ Profile
Born in Fukushima, Japan, Yusuke Sato had his first composition lesson at the age of 11, and began his formal piano studies when he was 14. At the age of 15, he gave his debut recital.
Yusuke Sato received high critical acclaim when he won First Prize in the 10th Contemporary Music Performers Competition “Kyogaku X”, sponsored by the Japan Society for Contemporary Music and the Asahi Shimbun, and received the Asahi Contemporary Music Award as well as the Audience Prize. His other competition honors include Second Prize in U.F.A.M. International Music Competition in France, First Prize and the honorable mention for the outstanding performance of Akira Miyoshi’s work in the 3rd Akira Miyoshi Piano Competition, First Prize in the 9th Czech Music Competition, and First Prize and the Toyo Shinyaku Special Award in the 12th Hupfer Tosu Piano Competition. He also participated in the 15th Hamamatsu International Piano Academy.
Featuring wide repertoire ranging from Baroque to Contemporary, Yusuke Sato had performed extensively in his native country, Japan, as well as in Italy, France, Germany and Romania. He had premiered over 50 new compositions, many of which are commissioned by or dedicated to him. He devoted himself into discovering and introducing unknown yet outstanding composers and their works. His CD recordings had been released from Camerata Tokyo and 299 Music labels.
After a big success of his recital series titled “New Pianist’s Declaration” with its borderless presentation of various styles of music, Yusuke Sato continued to attract numerous attention with his new recital series “Piano Epoch” consisting of programs which focus and explore on one particularly-selected thematic idea. He was certainly considered as one of the most significant young pianists of his generation, with a unique point of view and a highly-expected future.
He passed away in April 9, 2024.

■ リンク

■ その他

■ 来日/演奏会

■ 過去の演奏会
2016年1月22日(金) 「佐藤祐介 ピアノリサイタル」
2021年3月12日(金) 「佐藤祐介 デビュー15周年記念企画 ピアノリサイタルバロックから現代までカバーする新しい感性」
2017年6月22日(木) 「佐藤祐介 新ピアノ リサイタル シリーズVol.1 ソナチネアルバムの作曲家~知られざる素顔~」
2017年9月22日(金) 「佐藤祐介 新ピアノ リサイタル シリーズVol.2 アメリカの音楽~ロマン派から現代まで~」
2018年1月9日(火) 「佐藤祐介 新ピアノ リサイタル シリーズVol.3 バッハ一族とBACHへのオマージュ」
2018年12月14日(金) 「佐藤祐介 ピアノ リサイタル シリーズVol.4 フランス音楽、時代の開拓者たち~クープラン一族、フランス6人組からの展開」
2022年1月15日(土) 「佐藤祐介 ピアノ リサイタル シリーズVol.5 〜ピアノと打楽器の響宴〜」

■ 佐藤祐介の商品


CMCD-28363 ドゥセク:「祈り」〜ピアノのためのグランド・ソナタ/佐藤祐介
Dussek: “L’invocation” Grand Sonata for Piano / Yusuke Sato