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 野田暉行 Teruyuki Noda
Teruyuki Noda

■ プロフィール
1940 生。
1963 NHK-毎日音楽コンクール作曲部門第1位
1967 東京芸術大学大学院修了。この間、大原美術館記念委嘱、日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団委嘱、等でデビュー。
1968 東京都百年記念祝典曲優秀賞授賞。
1970 万国博地方自治体館の音楽を、間宮芳生、佐藤允彦と担当。
1971 民音現代音楽祭委嘱。
1974 イタリア放送協会賞。作曲家の会、第二次「深新会」を結成。以後10年間代表を務める。
1977 尾高賞および芸術祭優秀賞。
1981 九州交響楽団と自作自演ジョイントコンサート。
1983 草津音楽祭個展。群馬国体芸術展示委嘱。
1984 武蔵野音楽学院創立30周年記念委嘱。
1986 横浜教育文化センター主催個展。
1987 東京文化会館主催個展。
1988 音楽之友社主催、自作自演による個展。
1989 武蔵野市開村100周年記念演奏会委嘱。国民文化祭埼玉委嘱。
1990 三重テレビ開局20周年記念〈三重音楽フェスティバル〉委嘱。藤沢市政50周年記念委嘱。津市ベストシティズン賞。
1997 能「高山右近」初演。
1998 東京芸術大学新奏楽堂開館記念演奏会〈開眼会〉初演。
1999 能「高山右近」パリ公演。
2000 「21世紀音楽の会」結成、以降代表を務める。
2001 東京都響個展、サントリー音楽財団室内楽個展。
2005 上海の春音楽祭(「カーナバル」海外初演)。
2022 9月18日逝去。享年82歳。


 交響曲 第1番,第2番,コラール交響曲,交響壁画「祝典幻想曲」,カーナバル,変容〈尺八,2箏,十七絃,Orch〉,ピアノ協奏曲,ギター協奏曲,弦楽合奏のための断章,アドリア狂詩曲〈Guit,弦楽合奏〉,弦楽四重奏曲,ピアノ三重奏曲,ホルン三重奏曲,朝の歌〈Mba,3Fl,Cb〉,庭園にて〈Vn,Pf〉,バラード〈Fl,Vn,Pf〉,エクローグ〈Fl,Perc〉,リフレクション〈尺八,箏,Vc〉,セレナード,ポエム〈Fl,Ob,Cl,Hp,Vn,Vla,Vc〉,コンソナンス〈木管5重奏,Pf〉,邦楽四重奏曲 第1番,第2番 「レジェンド」,第3番 「松の曲」,春の調〈尺八,2箏〉,虚空の歌〈尺八,2箏〉,打楽三章〈笛,5邦打楽器,Mba〉,3つの展開〈Pf〉,オード・カプリシャス〈Pf〉,3つのピアノ曲,子供のための6曲集〈Pf〉,HYMN〈Hp〉,エンデミオンの夢〈Hp〉,インテルメッツォ〈Guit〉,合唱曲:死者の書,青春,有明の海,等

■ Profile
Born in 1940.
1963: Won first prize for composition at Japan Music Competition. While a student at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, made his debut as composer, commissioned by several institutions including Ohara Museum of Art and Japan Philharmonic Orchestra.
1967: Completed graduate course in composition.
1968: Won prize at Centennial of Metropolitan Tokyo.
1970: As music director of the municipal pavilion at a world exhibition, collaborated with Yoshio Mamiya and Masahiko Sato.
1971: Commissioned by Min-on to write music for a contemporary music festival.
1974: Awarded the Prix Italia of Radio Italy Organized Group of Young Composers (the second “Shin-shin-kai”), for which he served as chairman for ten years thereafter.
1977: Awarded the Odaka Prize and a prize at Japan Art Festival.
1981: Held concert featuring his own works in collaboration with the Kyushu Symphony Orchestra under his own baton.
1983: Held a one-man concert at Kusatsu Music Festival. Commissioned to write music for art exhibition at National Athletic Meet in Gunma Prefecture.
1984: Commissioned for the 30th anniversary of Musashino Academia Musicae.
1986: Held one-man concert organized by Yokohama Education-Culture Center.
1987: Held one-man concert organized by Tokyo Bunka Kaikan.
1988: Held concert at which he played his own works, organized by Ongaku-no-Tomo-Sha.
1989: Commissioned to write music for the concert at centennial of Muashino-city. Commissioned by Saitama Prefecture to write a work for National Culture Festival.
1990: Commissioned for the 20th anniversary of Mie TV. Commissioned for the half centennial of Fujisawa-city. Awarded prize for the Best Citizen by Mie Prefecture.
1997: Noh play “Takayama Ukon” was premiered.
1998: “Kaigen-e” was first performed at the commemorative concert for the opening of New Sogaku-do of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.
1999: Noh play “Takayama Ukon” performed in Paris.
2001: Held a one-man concert organized by Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, and a one-man concert of chamber music organized by Suntory Ltd.
2005: Shanghai Spring International Music Festival (“Carnaval” was premiered overseas).
2005: Passed away in September 18.

Noda is highly regarded as a Japanese composer who has mastered Western metiers without studying abroad, while his style reveals a deep sympathy for Japanese classical music and seems to suggest a search for new Japanese music. Recently these inclinations have borne fruit in the shape of a Noh play, “Takayama Ukon”. A prolific composer, some of his works—including “Sora-ga Konna-ni Aoi-towa (I’ve Never Known How Blue the Sky Is)”— are widely popular.
He is a chairperson of the jury of the Music Competition of Japan. He serves as a councilor of Nihon Kindai Ongaku Zaidan and the Japan Symphony Foundation.
Works: Symphony No.1 / Symphony No.2 / Choral Sinfonie / Fresque Symphonique ‘Fantaisie Festivale’ / CARNAVAL for Orchestra / ‘Mutation’ for 4 Japanese Instruments and Orchestra / Piano Concerto / Guitar Concerto / ‘Fragment’ for String Orchestra / Rhapsodie Adriatique pour Guitar et Orchestre / String Quartet / Piano Trio / Horn Trio / ‘Mattinata’ Quintetto per Marimba, 3 Flauti e Contrabasso / In The Garden for Violin and Piano / Ballade for Flute, Violin and Piano / Eclogue for Flute and Percussion / Reflection for Shakuhachi, Koto and Violoncello / Serenade / Poem for Septet / CONSONANCE for Wind Quintet and Piano / Quartet for Japanese Instruments No. 1 / Quartet for Japanese Instruments No. 2 ‘Legend’ / Quartet for Japanese Instruments No. 3 ‘Music of Pine’ / Spring Tune for Shakuhachi and 2 Kotos / Songs of the Void for Shakuhachi and 2 Kotos / Three Movements for Japanese Percussions / Trois Développements pour Piano / Ode capricioius for Piano solo / Klavierstücke / Hexameron for children / HYMN for Harp solo / The Dream of Endymion for Harp solo / Intermezzo for Guitar solo / Chorus ‘Shisha-no-Sho’ (Livre de Mort) / Chorus ‘Seishun’ / Chorus ‘The Ariake Sea’ etc.

■ リンク

■ その他

■ 来日/演奏会

■ 過去の演奏会
2022年11月26日(土) 「岡田博美 ピアノリサイタル2022日本の3人─三善晃、矢代秋雄と野田暉行(新作初演)」
2024年12月18日(水) 「野田暉行 追悼演奏会」

■ 野田暉行の商品


CMCD-28016 モノドラマ〜野田暉行 ピアノ作品集/岡田博美
Mono drama - Works for Piano by Teruyuki Noda / Hiromi Okada

CMCD-50005 ピアノ協奏曲/野田暉行

30CM-344 「庭園にて」/野田暉行 作品集 II

CMCD-50016 野田暉行:交響曲 第1番